Kids Ski Jackets
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Kid's Ski Jacket
Keeping your kids protected against the cold is of the utmost importance when skiing. The cold weather can make your kid extremely sick and to keep them warm, we design ski jackets for kids keeping in mind their safety. At Decathlon, we want to keep your kids safe just the way you’d want it and so we design ski jackets to keep your little one safe from the cold weather when skiing. Find a wide range of ski jackets for kids and baby boy winter jackets and baby girl winter jackets only at Decathlon.
Guide to buying the right Ski Jacket for your Kid?
Warmth: It goes without saying that a ski jacket should provide warmth when on the slopes. It’s a prerequisite and often is the judging criteria for most ski jackets. This becomes even more important when it comes to kids winter jackets and thus we, at Decathlon take it extremely seriously to provide your child with the best-in-class warmth even when the outside is freezing cold. Our ski jackets are designed with thick wadded filling up to 250g/sqm shielding your kid from the cold and helping your kid stay warm while he/she takes on the slope and enjoys themselves!
Waterproof: When skiing, to stay dry is of utmost importance and since the snow can easily make most clothing wet instant, this would ruin your child’s skiing experience. We understand your kid’s need and thus have designed waterproof girls and boys winter jackets with a patterned side offering a 5000 mm-rated coating. The jackets also come with non-taped seams and hoods to provide your kid all-round protection from snow.
Breathability: While the outside might seem cold, the inside of your jacket would be warm due to all the physical exertion while skiing, slowly leading you to perspire. To combat this situation, always look for ski jackets that have an additional breathable layer to make sure that there is proper moisture management while still ensuring you stay warm and ready for action. The boys and girls winter jacket designed by Decathlon comes with a jacket hem, collar, and sleeve areas, helping the moisture inside the jacket escape easily.
Versatility: When packing for an adventure, the goal is always to stay light to not ruin your experience carrying around a big bulk on your back. This is where versatile ski wear comes into the picture. At Decathlon, we design reversible jackets that come with one patterned side for skiing with all the features and qualities required for skiing and another plain side to be able to throw it on when not on the slopes and relaxing or simply just heading out.
Additional Features to look out for:
Design: When buying ski wear for kids, always look out for the way it looks, the aim is to look catchy so that kids fall in love with it, but also is distinct for you to sport your champion on the slopes and not worry about losing track of him/her among all the kids. This is why we design ski wear that has a graphic side so that you never lose sight of your kids and it’s easy to spot them.
Design: When buying ski wear for kids, always look out for the way it looks, the aim is to look catchy so that kids fall in love with it, but also is distinct for you to sport your champion on the slopes and not worry about losing track of him/her among all the kids. This is why we design ski wear that has a graphic side so that you never lose sight of your kids and it’s easy to spot them.
Customization: To further make kids love ski wear, we have labels on the pockets to write your child's name. This quirky feature not only is life-saving when your kids lose their way and you have to go searching but also give kids a sense of belonging and ownership that makes them want to wear it more and more. See your kids light up seeing the Decathlon kids ski wear like seeing their favourite toy, always.
Head to your nearest Decathlon store or buy kids ski jacket online from our website!