Archery Arrows
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The art of shooting an arrow by drawing a bow is Archery. The power with which we draw the bow determines the power in the string which when released, exerts all of its pressure on the nock in its motionless state. Kinetic energy is transferred to the tip of the arrow via the nock as the string snaps back to its initial state. The amount of energy exerted is immense for the arrow to react instantaneously, and different parts of the arrow gain momentum at different velocities. As a result, the nock of the arrow, first to receive this energy moves faster than the tip of the arrow. As the arrow cannot leave the bow instantly, it absorbs a small amount of that energy by bending, before the arrow leads to the target.
Different parts of an Arrow
Tip - Enables the arrow to penetrate the target without damaging the tube.
Tube - Body of the arrow, it determines the rigidity of the arrow.
Fletching - Balances the flight of the arrow.
Nock - For fixing the arrow on the string before shooting.
More the distance of an arrow from the bow, the more it will fly in a straight line motion as the energy expended on bending decreases. Fletchings speed up this process by slowing down the part that is traveling faster.
Depending on draw length -
It is important to determine your “draw length” before you choose the right arrow online. The draw length corresponds to the distance between the bow grip and your hand- (arrow nocking point on bowstring), when in a shooting stance. The draw length changes with age and height. It is measured in inches(“) = 2.54 cm.
Depending on Stiffness and Straightness -
Stiffness of an arrow target is also called Spine varying according to the draw weight of the bow used (from 400 to 1200 and over). The greater the bow's draw weight, the stiffer the archery arrow must be.
If your bow has a very high draw weight, go with a very stiff arrow with a 400 spine.
If your bow has a low draw weight, go with a weaker arrow stiffness of a 1200 spine.
The straightness is its capacity to stay straight. Check our range of arrows at Decathlon now!
Buy archery arrows online of premium quality with 2 years manufacturer warranty at low prices. Easy 90 Days Return.
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